Red Cross Update 2019

Reading time: 2 minutes

We at Buzz Boss know we are fortunate to live in Canada where mosquitoes are mainly a pest and a nuisance. Mosquitoes and the diseases they carry are life and death matters in other parts of the world. In many developing nations in Africa, Asia and Central America children and pregnant and nursing mothers have high mortality rates because of diseases like malaria. The Buzz Team asked itself this question; how can we help people who are most affected by mosquito-borne disease?

Buzz Boss created a partnership in 2016 with the Canadian Red Cross to support their efforts in battling Malaria in developing nations. Over the past three years, thanks to our customers, Buzz Boss has been able to contribute $2 from every sale amounting to many thousands of dollars for this worthy cause. These dollars have been matched by the government of Canada further increasing our ability to save lives.

Buzz Boss employees with a Red Cross activist holding a cheque

As our contributions have grown the Canadian Red Cross has expanded the scope of the program we support. In addition to supplying bed nets to children under five and pregnant and nursing mothers to reduce the spread of mosquito-borne malaria, the program also provides other critical health services to women and children where it is most desperately needed.

Buzz Boss is proud of what we have been able to give to support the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health program through the Canadian Red Cross, but there is still a strong need to continue making a difference. We have two goals, to contribute more each year so that we can save more lives from mosquito-borne disease while also providing maternal and child health services and to raise awareness in Canada for this worthy cause.

We are most grateful to our customers for their participation with us in supporting the Canadian Red Cross. Thank you from your friends at Buzz Boss!

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