What NOT to Do When Dealing with Wasp Nest Removals

Reading time: 5 minutes

Summer is the season of sunshine, barbecues, and, unfortunately, the unwelcome drama of wasp invasions. Just when you're ready to sip your lemonade and relax, these buzzing intruders swoop in to stir up trouble.

Some time back, we talked about what you can do when you find wasps in your yard. Today, let's buzz through what not to do. Handling wasp nest removals can be tricky, and some 'ingenious' DIY solutions can turn your backyard into a battleground.

Before you declare war with a rolled-up newspaper or a hose, let's make sure your wasp removal tactics don't backfire.

Buzz Boss worker holding wasp nest during emergency removal service

Common Mistakes in DIY Wasp Nest Removal

1. Using Over-the-Counter Chemicals

Reaching for that can of oil-based wasp spray might seem like an easy fix, but think again. These sprays can leave ugly stains on your walls and eaves that are as hard to ignore as a wasp at a picnic.

Besides, many over-the-counter options fail to eradicate the nest effectively. You might end up with a stain, a still-active nest, turning your quick fix into a long-term headache. You might be better off with natural wasp repellents instead.

2. Sealing the Entry Point

It might seem logical to just seal off the entry points to a wasp nest, trapping the unwelcome guests inside. However, wasps are determined creatures and will find another way out. Or worse, another way in!

By blocking their exit, you could inadvertently drive them into your living spaces, escalating a backyard nuisance into an indoor nightmare.

On top of that, trapping wasps can lead to structural damage as they chew through wood, walls or ceilings to create new exit routes.

3. Over-application of Chemicals

While going Rambo on the wasps with a chemical spray might feel satisfying, overdoing it can harm more than just your target.

Excessive use of pesticides can contaminate the surrounding environment, affecting other wildlife and possibly your family's health. Moreover, misusing these chemicals can lead to residue buildup that's harmful over time, not to mention the risk of creating chemically resistant wasp generations that will haunt your future barbecues.

Wasp nest during emergency Buzz Bozz removal service

4. Burning the Nest

Turning to fire to deal with a wasp nest might seem like a surefire way to get rid of your buzzing foes, but it’s a risky blaze of glory that can quickly escalate. Wasp nests are made of a papery material that ignites easily, posing a serious fire hazard to your home.

Burning a nest rarely eliminates all the wasps, and in addition to the potential for burns or worse, the survivors are now highly aggressive and ready to defend what's left of their home.

5. Spraying Nests with Water

Grabbing the hose to drown out a wasp nest might feel like a cool idea on a hot day, but it's as effective as trying to solve algebra with a water gun.

Water can compact the nest rather than destroy it, potentially leading to structural damage if the nest is located within your walls or attic. Moreover, this approach can make the wasps more aggressive, increasing the chance of stings as they scramble to defend their soggy fortress.

6. Hitting Nests with a Baseball Bat

Swinging at a wasp nest with a baseball bat might satisfy a primal urge, but it’s a swing and a miss where safety is concerned. You’ll end up most likely provoking an immediate and fierce response from the wasp colony, putting you in the line of fire for multiple stings.

Such aggressive disruption is dangerous and can lead to severe allergic reactions, especially without proper protective gear (which brings us nicely to our next point).

7. Ignoring Protective Gear

When it comes to wasp nest removal, going in without protective gear is like volunteering to be a human canon ball—unnecessarily risky. Proper attire, including thick gloves, long sleeves, pants, and a face mask, can provide critical barriers against stings.

Ignoring this safety gear exposes you to direct attacks. You don’t want wasp removal to turn into a painful emergency, especially if you’re allergic to wasp stings.

8. Delaying Removal

Putting off the removal of a wasp nest is like waiting to fix a leaky roof until it rains—it only gets worse. As the days go by, the colony grows, and with it, the wasps' defensive aggression.

A small, manageable nest can quickly evolve into a buzzing fortress teeming with defenders ready to protect their home at the slightest provocation. Addressing the issue swiftly prevents the wasps from establishing a larger, more formidable colony that can be much more challenging and hazardous to remove.

Buzz Boss worker during wasp nest emergency removal service

9. Using Improvised Tools

Resorting to household items like brooms, poles, or sticks to tackle a wasp nest might seem resourceful, but it’s a recipe for disaster. These improvised tools can agitate the wasps, leading to an aggressive defence of their home.

When disturbed, wasps don’t just scatter, they attack. Before you know it, you’ve been stung multiple times in a matter of seconds.

10. Attempting Removal at the Wrong Time of Day

Timing is everything when it comes to wasp nest removal. Engaging with a nest during the day when wasps are most active is a big NO. Wasps are significantly more aggressive and numerous during daylight hours. Instead, plan removals for early morning or late evening when the temperature is cooler and wasps are less active.

This timing reduces the likelihood of provoking a full-scale wasp defence, making the removal process safer and more manageable.

Emergency Wasp Nest Removal

There are times when DIY methods just don’t cut it, especially when dealing with wasp nests that could put you and your family at risk. Large nests or those situated in awkward, hard-to-reach places, like high up on the eaves or deep within bushes, are particularly challenging. These situations often require tools and equipment beyond your reach.

In these scenarios, it’s best to call in pest control experts like Buzz Boss. Our BuzzAttack™ Wasp is meant especially for situations like these. Our technicians are equipped with the necessary safety gear, experience, and methods to handle and remove wasp nests effectively, regardless of their size.

Don't Get Stung by DIY: Call in the Buzz Boss

Buzz Bozz wasp nest removal poster

You see wasps but not a nest. In the battle against wasps, sometimes it's smarter to call for backup rather than going solo with a flyswatter and a prayer. Instead of turning your wasp problem into an epic saga, let the experts handle it. Our trained technicians ensure a safe and proactive solution for getting rid of wasps, leaving you to enjoy your backyard without the buzz.

With our BuzzShield® Complete, you get year-round protection from all sorts of pests, including wasps, removing the chances of any DIY mishaps.

Schedule a no-obligation estimate and reclaim your peace of mind AND your outdoor space!

We provide wasp nest removal and emergency services throughout Western Canada, including Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and Okanagan.

We make sure Wasps Buzz Off your property!
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