How to Get Rid of Voles in Your Yard - Expert Advice
Reading time: 7 minutesThe frustration that voles can bring is well-known if you've ever had them destroying your yard. These little burrowing rodents may rapidly transform a lovely lawn into a maze of ugly mounds and tunnels. Fortunately, you can get rid of voles from your yard and keep them from returning if you have the appropriate information.
In our guide to vole control, we'll cover everything you need to know to reclaim your yard and keep it vole-free. We can also help you with identification, behaviour, preventive, and elimination methods. Vole issues can be put to rest once and for all!

Understanding the Threat of Voles in Your Yard
Before discussing the various ways to eliminate voles from your yard, it's important to understand their specific threats.
Voles can cause extensive damage to your lawn and garden; if left unchecked, their population can rapidly multiply. They can have multiple litters each year, so you’ll see a massive boom in population every 3 to 5 years. These tiny rodents have a voracious appetite for plants and can quickly decimate your prized flowers, vegetables, and shrubs. But it's not just the destruction of your greenery that should concern you.
Voles also create a maze of underground tunnels, which can weaken the structural integrity of your yard. This can lead to uneven ground and potential tripping hazards. Furthermore, the tunnels can serve as pathways for other unwanted pests, such as mice and rats, to enter your property.
So how do we know for sure if you have a vole problem on your hand?
Identifying Signs of Vole Infestation
Voles are small, mouse-like animals that feed on roots, bulbs, and seeds and can cause extensive damage to your lawn and garden. They can also carry diseases and parasites affecting your health and your pets. Here are some signs you should watch out for:
- The presence of surface runways about 2.5 to 5 cm (1- to 2-inch). These are narrow, visible trails that voles create as they travel between their burrows and food sources. Look for these runways in tall grass or low vegetation areas, as voles like to stay hidden while moving around. You’ll usually see them in early spring, right after snowmelt.
- Another sign of voles is their small, round droppings, which are about Raisin-sized. Often found along the surface runways or near their burrow entrances, these droppings clearly indicate vole activity.
- Gnaw marks on the stems and trunks of plants. Voles use sharp incisors to gnaw on vegetation, leaving distinctive chew marks behind.
- Tunnels in the grass.

Ways to Get Rid of Voles from Your Yard
Now that you can identify the signs of a vole infestation in your yard, it's time to eliminate these pests.
Clear Vegetation
Start by clearing tall grass and low vegetation where voles like to hide. Removing their hiding spots will make it more difficult for them to move around and thrive.
Install Barriers
Create physical barriers, such as wire mesh or hardware cloth, around vulnerable areas like tree trunks and garden beds. This will prevent voles from reaching their food sources and causing damage.
Use Deterrents
Consider using natural deterrents such as castor oil around your yard. This smell can help repel voles and discourage them from entering your property.
Set Traps
Choose the most appropriate traps for your situation, whether snap traps or live traps. Place them strategically along vole runways or near their burrow entrances. Check the traps regularly and dispose of any captured voles humanely.
Maintain Your Yard
Regularly mow your lawn, trim vegetation, and keep your yard debris-free. Creating an unappealing environment for voles will reduce the chances of future infestations.
Apply Vole Baits
Use vole baits strategically, placed near their burrows or runways. These baits can be toxic to voles when consumed. Be wary of this one if you have pets or kids.
Modify Watering Practices
Keep the soil well-drained to make it less attractive to voles. Voles prefer moist environments, so adjusting watering practices can make your yard less hospitable.
Regular Inspection
Regularly inspect your yard to identify any signs of vole activity promptly. This allows you to take immediate action before the infestation becomes more severe.
Consult with Professionals
If the vole infestation persists despite your efforts, consider seeking advice from pest control professionals. They can provide specialized solutions and expertise in dealing with persistent vole problems.
Professional Help vs. DIY Approaches
While some people may try to handle vole infestations on their own, this is not recommended for several reasons. DIY approaches can be ineffective, time-consuming, and risky. Some of the drawbacks of DIY vole control methods:
- They require a lot of research and trial and error to find the best solution for your situation.
- They can harm the environment and other wildlife, as some methods involve using toxic chemicals, traps, or bait that can affect non-target animals.
- They can be dangerous to your safety, as some methods involve digging, flooding, or burning the vole tunnels, which can damage your property or cause injuries.
- They can be costly in the long run, as some methods require repeated applications or maintenance and may not prevent future infestations.

Vole Pest Control FAQs
How do voles look?
The adult mole is about 4.5 to 8 inches long and has dark grey or brown velvety fur. It has small eyes, wide front feet, and strong claws for digging.
How are voles different from rats or mice?
Voles look very similar to house mice, which is why they can be confused for one. They have pointed incisors that grow as the tips wear away over time. But unlike mice, they have a short tail, a rounded muzzle and head, and small ears. While a mouse is grey, a vole may have a dark brown coat with a greyish belly that turns white in the winter.
What is the fastest way to get rid of voles?
Keep your yard clear of clutter, protect younger trees with wraps, and invest in proactive pest control while having your yard shielded with the help of professional pest control.
How do you find a vole nest?
Voles typically make nests underground, near tree roots. They use tunnels beneath the ground to search for food sources, making it difficult to find the real source of the infestation.
What is the Buzz Shield Rodent service?
The Buzz Shield Rodent service is a professional pest control solution for vole infestations. It includes a thorough inspection of your property and a one-time charge to set up and position bait boxes to keep those pesky rodents under control.

Buzz Boss: Your Expert Ally in Vole Control
Hiring a professional pest control company like Buzz Boss is your best bet to deal with vole infestations. Buzz Boss is a trusted and experienced company that offers effective and eco-friendly solutions for vole control. You get:
- The expertise and knowledge to identify the infestation's source and extent and apply the most appropriate and efficient treatment for your yard.
- Professional-grade products and equipment that are safe for your family, pets, and the environment and comply with local and federal regulations.
- Long-term prevention solutions, such as habitat modification, exclusion, and repellents, to keep voles away from your yard for good.
- A 100% satisfaction guarantee means that if you’re unhappy with the results, we will return and fix them.
With Buzz Boss, you can save time and hassle and enjoy a beautiful, healthy yard without voles. Contact Buzz Boss today for a quote and a customized vole control plan for your property.
We’re based in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg and Okanagan.